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Collection bottle

The selection of the container for the collection of bulk samples depends on various factors, including the type of bulk material, the requirements of the analysis, and specific industry standards or regulations. Here are some reasons why a collection bottle could be used, as well as some material and regulatory considerations:

Why a collection bottle?

  • Avoid contamination: Bottles can often be sealed better than bags or crates, reducing the risk of contamination or loss of volatile components.
  • Stability of the sample: In a bottle, the bulk material can be stored stably and safely without causing displacements or changes in the sample.
  • Liquid or moist samples: If the bulk material is moist or contains liquids, a bottle may be more suitable to prevent leakage.

Why not a collection bag or a collection box?

  • Lack of tightness: Bags or boxes may not be suitable for moist or volatile samples because they cannot always be completely sealed.
  • Risk of contamination: The material of bags or crates could react with certain bulk materials, or it might be more difficult to clean them effectively between samples.

Material specifications for bottles:

  • Compatibility: The material must be compatible with the bulk material to avoid reactions or contamination.
  • Industry standards: In certain industries, such as food or pharmaceutical, materials must meet certain standards to ensure the safety and quality of the samples.
  • Typical materials: Glass or certain plastics such as HDPE or PP are often used for collection bottles because they are chemically resistant and easy to clean.


Whether a collection bottle, a collection bag or a collection box is used depends on the specific requirements of sampling. A collection bottle often offers advantages in terms of tightness, stability and contamination control, especially for moist or volatile bulk materials. The selection of material must be done carefully in relation to the type of bulk material, the intended analysis and the relevant industry standards.