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Raw materials

Bulk sampling is crucial in many industries to verify the quality, purity, and other properties of the material. Common raw materials in the bulk material sector that require sampling include:

  1. Ores and minerals: Such as iron ore, copper ore, coal, etc. These are often analyzed in mining and metallurgy.
  2. Cereals and agricultural products: such as wheat, corn, soybeans. The analysis of these bulk materials is necessary for quality control and food safety.
  3. Building materials: such as cement, sand, gravel. Checking these materials is crucial for quality and safety in construction.
  4. Chemicals and powders: Various chemical powders, fertilizers, salts and other solids used in the chemical industry.
  5. Pharmaceutical raw materials: Various raw materials used in the production of medicines require strict quality controls.
  6. Plastic granules and pellets: These are often analyzed in the plastics industry to ensure the quality and consistency of the final products.
  7. Feed: Raw materials for animal feed, including grains, vitamins and minerals, require sampling for quality control.
  8. Oil and liquid chemicals: Even though these are not considered bulk in the traditional sense, many liquids, such as crude oil or liquid chemicals, require sampling to determine their composition and quality.
  9. Waste materials: In some cases, such as in recycling plants, sampling of bulk materials such as scrap or waste may be necessary to determine the level of recyclable materials or contamination.
  10. Specialized food ingredients: Such as sugar, flour, salt, milk powder, and many other bulk food ingredients that need to undergo quality control.
  11. Energy sources: such as biomass, peat or coal, which are used in energy production processes.

Sampling these and other bulk materials is critical to controlling quality, safety, and efficiency in many different industries. It helps with regulatory compliance, avoids contamination, facilitates research and development, and helps improve production processes.