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The term "rebuild" in the context of bulk sampling typically refers to changes or modifications to existing plant or equipment that are made to enable improved functionality, integrate new technologies, or respond to changing operating conditions or regulations.

A modification can affect various aspects of the sampling equipment or infrastructure. This may include replacing or updating samplers, adding automation or new sensors, changing sampling points or procedures, or adapting the facility to new materials or processes.

The challenges of such a conversion can be manifold. These include, but are not limited to:

  1. Cost: A rebuild can incur significant costs, both for the purchase of new equipment and for the labor costs of the rebuild itself.
  2. Downtime: The rebuild may result in the need to temporarily stop production or sampling, which may result in lost production.
  3. Integration: It can be difficult to successfully integrate new equipment or technology into existing systems, especially if the plant is older or based on outdated technology.
  4. Compliance: When remodeling, all applicable safety, environmental and quality standards must be adhered to, which can be an additional challenge.

Despite these challenges, a rebuild can also provide significant benefits, including improved sampling performance, increased efficiency, improved data collection and analysis, and the ability to handle new or changed materials or processes.