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“Reliability” in relation to bulk sampling refers to the ability of the sampling method to provide consistent and accurate results when repeated under the same conditions. If a sampling method is reliable, it should produce similar results with repeated use.

Some aspects that can affect reliability in bulk sampling include:

  1. Representativeness of the samples: A sample should be representative of the entire bulk material. If only a small or non-representative sample is taken, the results may vary and affect the reliability of sampling.
  2. Consistency of procedure: Sampling should be carried out in a consistent manner. Changes in the method used to collect samples can affect results and reduce reliability.
  3. Avoidance of contamination: Contamination of the sample can falsify the results and affect the reliability of sampling. Sampling procedures and equipment should therefore be kept clean and samples should be stored properly after collection.
  4. Staff competence: The skills and experience of the people performing the sampling can also have an impact on reliability. Well-trained personnel using the right techniques and procedures can help increase the reliability of sampling.
  5. Quality control and assurance: Regular inspections and calibrations of the equipment used, as well as regular reviews of sampling procedures and results, can help ensure reliability.

Reliability is an important factor in bulk sampling, as it affects the quality and accuracy of the resulting data. A reliable sampling method provides accurate and repeatable data that can be used to evaluate the bulk material.