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Retained samples

A retained sample, also known as a retention sample, is a sample of the original material that is retained for a period of time after analysis. There are several reasons why retention patterns are important in bulk material sampling:

  1. Quality Control and Assurance: If there are questions or concerns about the accuracy or reliability of the original analysis, the retained sample can be re-analyzed to verify the original results.
  2. Clarification of discrepancies: If there are discrepancies between the expectations and the analysis results, the retained sample allows for additional verification. This can be especially important if the sample is part of a commercial or litigation dispute.
  3. Procedural change review: If there are improvements or changes in the analysis methods, the retained sample can be used to assess the impact of those changes.
  4. Regulatory requirements: In some industries and regions, legal or regulatory requirements may mandate the retention of retained samples.
  5. Research and development:  Retained samples can also be used for research and development work, for example to develop new analytical methods or to further investigate specific properties of the bulk material.

In conclusion, retained samples can be a valuable tool for ensuring the quality and reliability of bulk sampling and analysis.