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Scrap and Waste

During the sampling of bulk materials, a representative amount of the material is taken to test it for specific properties. In this process, certain parts of the bulk material may be classified as scrap or waste.

Scrap refers to material that does not meet the requirements or specifications. It may be too large, too small, contaminated, or otherwise unusable. Such scrap may then be set aside and either discarded or, in some cases, recycled.

Waste in the context of bulk material sampling can occur when material is lost during the sampling itself, for example, due to spillage or when it can no longer be used due to the nature of the sampling. It is important to minimize such waste to avoid inefficiency and improve process effectiveness.

It is important to note that the methods for handling scrap and waste depend heavily on the specific industry and the material involved. In some cases, scrap or waste may be used as by-products in other processes, while in other cases, specialized disposal or recycling procedures may be required.